There comments were garnered way back in 2017- the first year of Trump's Presidency
Trump voters only: What is the best thing Donald Trump has done as president?
He exposed just how many mentally deficient and sociopathic people live in this country from both sides of the spectrum. Didn't realize how many empty vessels walked the earth until 2016 lol.
-James Bartolommeo
The dangerousness of a hollow man.
>> Dunning-Kruger effect, the phenomenon in which the incompetent person is too incompetent to understand his own incompetence... Details >
I do think Fox News has dumbed down half the country...and that cable news and social media has sort of created echo chambers where people hear only what they want to...all of that contributes. But this is indeed the first time in my life that I thought, wow, America is really a country full of stupid people.
- Jonathan Widran
Some people were born with a low IQ and some just develop one from watching FOX news.
-Chris Strong
The difference between the late '60s and today, is that for the past 30 years, right wing talk radio has enveloped pretty much all of talk radio. And when even halfway intelligent people are subjected to hours daily of hearing what is basically Goebbels on steroids, the same distorted points & lies, incessantly repeated, 24/7, all across America, they become brainwashed, period. No matter how big or outlandish the lies, when they are drummed into people's heads, they replace, and become "reality".
That Goebbels, using only speeches, newspapers, and a handful of propagandist films, could brainwash all of Germany enough to support a madman as Hitler, it's no wonder 60 million voted for Trump.... As to who there may be to stop this madness, I'm with you Jason, I don't see him, and worse, if he did exist, and begin to turn things around, I'm afraid even the Secret Service wouldn't be able to protect him....
“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.” . . . - Josef Goebbels. Principles of Propaganda >-Steven Charles
"Fear is the mind-killer. And Trump got elected on anger and fear. And you cannot laugh and be afraid at the same time. So let’s go make people laugh, and then they’ll be able to think. That’s the value of what we do.”
-Stephen Colbert
Facts are the GOP's kryptonite.
- Peter Adams
I don't believe it is a's more like a crime family.
-Jason Miles
The man [Trump] doesn't even recognize basic truth. He lives and believes his own lies. The country is in for a very hard time internationally and domestically.
- Eric Forman
The results of: media propaganda, omitting Civics from the educational system, the replacement of real news and facts, with opinions and ideologies, citizens united, corporate lobbyist, the use of racism as a tool to divide the people, other methods that continue to dumb down the populace, Supreme Court and the Electoral College selling out the country...
-Aaron Johnson
Basically we are dealing with chaos at the crossroads of Pathological destruction and pure Greed. These guys are going to poison our lives while grabbing as much as they can for themselves over the next four years .
- Marty Khan