Saturday, July 25, 2020

Democratic Hoax?

Coronavirus - A Democratic Hoax?

On July 25th, 2020 there were 140,000 deaths in the USA due to Coronavirus.

Lest We Forget - Feb 28th

President Donald Trump described the disease as the Democrats’ “new hoax” at a political rally on Feb. 28 in South Carolina...
March 12, 2020
5 times Trump and US officials downplayed coronavirus - Mar 12, 2020,

Erasing Obama Legacy (at all costs...)

"Barack Obama faced three potential pandemics in his eight years in office, plus he had the annual flu epidemics to contend with but he never had to shut the entire country down and here’s why…
·      He realized that viral contagion was a looming threat, so he increased funding for the Pandemic Task Force, originally formed under President George W Bush.
o   Reporting to the National Security Council and operating under the direction of the CDC, it had field offices manned by doctors and scientists in countries all around the world, including China.
o   They worked closely with the WHO in locating any outbreaks and attacking them at their source. The idea was to catch these epidemics early and contain them before they could spread worldwide and become a pandemic.
o   It was working… The deadly Ebola virus was contained to Africa and only a few cases ever made it to the US.
·      Trump, in his first year in office went on a vindictive rampage against the previous administration, ripping up anything with Obama's name on it.
o   It was like he was trying to erase Obama’s name from the history books.
o   The ACA, (Obama Care) NAFTA, TPP, the Iran deal, the Paris Accords and oh yeah... Obama’s Pandemic Task Force. Trump defunded and dismantled it. He fired its director Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer. All the top doctors and scientists resigned and were never replaced.
o   He closed most of the field offices including the one in China.
o   Trump publicly announced at the time “I’m a businessman, I don’t like people sitting around with nothing to do.” So he cleaned house and fired everybody…
·      Then Trump’s attack on everything Obama backfired... the Wuhan epidemic blew up in his face.
o   In early January 2020 the WHO, the CDC and his own intelligence agencies all briefed Trump that he had a potential global pandemic developing in China… but he had just shut down the only agency equipped to manage such a emergency so he ignored their warnings.
o   Later in January he restricted travel from China but it was already too late… The virus had by now spread to several countries outside of China. So he dodged and delayed and denied it for 70 days while the Wuhan flu exploded into a full-blown, world-wide pandemic.
·      March 2020…
o   COVID19 hit the US and Trump could no longer dismiss it as a “Democrat hoax.” People were dying at an alarming rate.
o   He still didn’t have the tools to battle this fast moving virus so he blamed Barack Obama… “Obama left me with a broken system” Pretty disingenuous coming from the guy who broke it.

In Summation
The ineffective response to the coronavirus pandemic can be traced directly back to Donald Trump’s malicious attacks on Barack Obama.
·      These are verified facts… Every name, date and detail can easily be fact checked.
·      I urge that you do… This is how we got here.
David Clayton-Thomas 7-22

Donald Trump is a mass murderer and a con man - anyone who is still defending him is not only delusional - they are complicit in his crimes. WAKE UP AMERICA!

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